
Posts Tagged ‘women’

Why Women Should (but probably won’t) rule the world (2 of 2)

February 5, 2012 Leave a comment

The successful female is genetically hazardous to her own species.


Beyonce - Who Run The World (Girls)

As we were discussing in the previous post, Sasha Fierce, aka Beyoncé Knowles seems to have some pretty misplaced conceptions about who runs the world. So we decided to ask the question (hypothetically), why can’t women run the world? We covered the first five of what I believe to be the top ten of those reasons. In this post, I cover the top five. If you thought the previous post on this issue was a doozy, then hang on to your stockings. This one bites.

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Special Thanks: My good friend Stéphanie Jevtić for her priceless contribution to this article.
E-mail: accordingtoxen[at]gmail[dot]com

Why Women Should (but probably won’t) Rule The World (1 of 2)

February 4, 2012 Leave a comment

Inequality is a necessity while equality is a pacifying concept.


Beyonce Who Run The World (girls)

Beyoncé Wishes

I could tell you why men rule the world, but then I’d just be insulting your intelligence. A more intriguing question to ask is, why is it that women don’t rule the world? No, really. With all the power that they wield over men, why is it that women don’t already rule the world? Men have ruled the world from the dawn of civilization. With all the amazing things that are going on for women, (education, equality, etc.). It’s not exactly impossible is it? Well… you’d be surprised.

E-mail: accordingtoxen[at]gmail[dot]com

Relationship Addiction (Part 2 of 2) — Why you shouldn’t get married

August 28, 2011 2 comments

Some people desire marriage for all the same reasons dogs chase cars.


A happily married couple — as delightful as this looks, marriage is not for everyone.

One of the biggest lies propagated in western society is that everyone should be in love with somebody and that love is universally accessible. Nobody tells you however that love has a set of very specific requirements. Some people do not have these qualities in their personality by default and will probably never develop them. Some people should stay single. They are just not mature enough to identify themselves—and that’s precisely where this post comes in.

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E-mail: accordingtoxen[at]gmail[dot]com

Woman 2.0

January 25, 2011 26 comments

The greatest weapon women wield is not in their guile. Rather it is in the perception that they are weak.



Woman 2.0

The ultimate woman has entered the building.

She walks through the twin glass doors, sharply clad in a business skirt suit that succinctly clings to her magnificent form. She saunters past the security checkpoint, merely blowing the male guard a kiss as validation that she doesn’t need to be patted down. Her skirt barely exposes her knees, but races further up her thighs when she sits down. However, it is not just her firm thighs that get my attention. It is the fact that her male escorts are still being processed at the checkpoint. Who is she? She is every woman you have met recently and she eats men like you for breakfast. She is Woman 2.0 – armed, legged, breasted and dangerous.

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The Underrated Black Woman

September 18, 2010 35 comments

…a beautiful woman is often a happy woman, even though happy women are rarely beautiful.


You’re pretty – for a black girl”. This is back handed a compliment I hear all too often in the black community. Apparently it’s not good enough to just be a pretty girl, since being black seems to make the whole idea an oxymoron. The expression automatically implies that black girls do not carry the genetic capacity to be pretty. It suggests that in the hierarchy of beauty, black women rank dead last. Is this even remotely true? Are black women intrinsically ugly? There is hypocrisy at work here, and not surprisingly, it isn’t being largely propagated by men.

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E-mail: accordingtoxen[at]gmail[dot]com