
Posts Tagged ‘Jamaica’

The Underrated Black Woman

September 18, 2010 35 comments

…a beautiful woman is often a happy woman, even though happy women are rarely beautiful.


You’re pretty – for a black girl”. This is back handed a compliment I hear all too often in the black community. Apparently it’s not good enough to just be a pretty girl, since being black seems to make the whole idea an oxymoron. The expression automatically implies that black girls do not carry the genetic capacity to be pretty. It suggests that in the hierarchy of beauty, black women rank dead last. Is this even remotely true? Are black women intrinsically ugly? There is hypocrisy at work here, and not surprisingly, it isn’t being largely propagated by men.

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E-mail: accordingtoxen[at]gmail[dot]com

The Price of Freedom

May 31, 2010 5 comments

“The quintessential flaw with freedom is that it capriciously facilitates both good and evil.”


Police wage war with criminal elements in Kingston, Jamaica

Drugs Lords are a dime a dozen. The bad boy from Jamaica who took the law into his own hands to form his own government under the auspices of the Jamaican government knew this all too well. However, before anyone can condemn Christopher Coke, one must understand that he is not very different from any other human being. His only crime is that he abused his freedom.

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Why is being Biracial an issue?

September 13, 2009 13 comments

“People seem to instinctively value group membership more than group purpose.”


This is a trailer for a documentary called “I’m biracial… not black, damnit!“. It chronicles an ongoing and topical issue among Americans. Is a person who is mixed to identify with blacks or whites? Personally I think the whole issue is moot. Scientifically, the question is as irrelevant as the whole topic of race.

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Why Life is not fair

July 25, 2009 52 comments

If survival is only for the fittest then all men weren’t created equal.


fish-failSurvival is only for the fittest. No exceptions.

Life is all about survival. Survival is all about competition. There would be no point to there being a competition if we all were made exactly identical to each other. We may all be of the same general design, but where the environment is concerned, some of us are much better implemented than others. That’s why only the fittest will survive while even the fit, will perish.

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