
Posts Tagged ‘Evolution’

What’s the point of it all?

August 3, 2012 Leave a comment

God is the correct answer to a silly question.


This fantastic sight wasn’t created. It evolved that way. The NGC 1672 Spiral Galaxy © Hubble Telescope.

A young woman confronted me recently about my last post. She was angry at me because it made sense. All her life, even though she doesn’t subscribe to any particular religion, she still wanted to believe that somewhere out there, there was something more than the life that we have. Apparently she was dissatisfied with how her life turned out and hoped that there was something more. So I conceded that yes, there is something more, but it is probably not spiritual. She was furious: “Why not?” She prodded. “How else can we explain our existence if there isn’t some grand purpose to it?” This post is my answer to her question.

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E-mail: accordingtoxen[at]gmail[dot]com

The Anatomy of Racism (Part 2 of 4)

February 27, 2012 1 comment

The history of Africa is the story of God’s most cruel joke on mankind.


Blood Diamond Workers

Workers on a diamond field in Africa. These diamonds will go onto the fingers and around the necks of rich white Caucasians. So how exactly did the home of black people become the treasure vault of white people?

Racism affects everyone. However, there is probably no group that knows the sting of racism better than black Africans and their descendants living in the first world diaspora. Why does it seem that black people are targeted by other races? They have been enslaved at least five times in world history (more than any other human phenotype) and have been victims of the longest running human violation in history. Why is this the case? I discuss the answer to this rather tantalizing question in this post. It seems that nature is far more cruel than we know.

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E-mail: accordingtoxen[at]gmail[dot]com

We’re All Africans

January 31, 2011 34 comments

There’s no point describing a person as being of African descent — that’s describing the entire human race.

– Xenocrates

Y Chromosome Migration PatternsY Chromosome Migration map of the last 70,000 years. © 2008; Scientific American

Every time I hear people refer to black folk as “people of African descent”, I chuckle a little bit inside. What’s even more amusing is the common practice of referring to white folk as people of North Eastern European descent. Both expressions are largely incorrect. The research of the Human Genome project over the last 20 years has proven in fact that we are all Africans.

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The Intelligence Bottleneck

June 14, 2010 2 comments

“While our minds may have evolved, our bodies have not.”


I recently discovered that the reason why moths fly into an open flame is because they were engineered by nature to navigate by night using the light of the moon. However, when men came around and invented fire, it messed with the moth’s navigation system – which 70,000 years later, has not yet been upgraded by natural evolution. The same problem also affects humans.

It is why men are capable of being in love with more than one woman, why several women are mutually inclined to gravitate towards one man, why a teen girl who knows about unwanted pregnancy would still have unprotected sex, and why boys aware of the outcome of truancy will still drop out of school.

We’re making these observations not because they’re strange, but because our society has made them seem that way after many centuries of cognitive evolution. The vast disparity between intellect and nature that results creates what I would like to call an Intelligence Bottleneck. This is a perfectly good explanation for some of the inexplicably stupid things rational humans still do.

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Why Life is not fair

July 25, 2009 52 comments

If survival is only for the fittest then all men weren’t created equal.


fish-failSurvival is only for the fittest. No exceptions.

Life is all about survival. Survival is all about competition. There would be no point to there being a competition if we all were made exactly identical to each other. We may all be of the same general design, but where the environment is concerned, some of us are much better implemented than others. That’s why only the fittest will survive while even the fit, will perish.

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