
Posts Tagged ‘Racism’

The Anatomy of Racism (Part 4 of 4)

March 31, 2012 1 comment

While every racist is a fool, not every fool is racist.


The Million Hoodie MarchWe must learn to differentiate between actual acts of racism and otherwise acts of ignorance. They are not the same. Otherwise, cries for justice like this can be successfully undermined by racists as race baiting.

If you back track some 60 years into American history, it would be fair to say that most white folks were at the very least, racially prejudiced, if not outright racist. As the decades rolled by, their ignorance waned as all their collective consciousnesses were raised. As a result, the average white adult today does not think the same way. But because the hurt has penetrated several generations of American minorities, it has created a hypersensitive society that has forgotten what racism really is, spawning an endless generation of boys crying wolf.

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E-mail: accordingtoxen[at]gmail[dot]com

The Anatomy of Racism (Part 3 of 4)

March 17, 2012 Leave a comment

Racism isn’t dead — it is hiding in the open.


Barack Obama’s presidency has exposed just how racist white America really is.

In 2008, a black man was finally elected president of the most powerful country in the world. At the time, many people (myself included) naively asserted that this will finally put a nail in the coffin of all the negative stereotypes that have been held about black people for good. Boy, were we wrong. It’s not for fault in Obama. No. Rather, his presence has exposed the raw, visceral, racist underbelly of white America that had been lurking in silence for so long. In this post, I will potently demonstrate the unpleasant reality that racism is by no means dead.

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E-mail: accordingtoxen[at]gmail[dot]com

The Anatomy of Racism (Part 2 of 4)

February 27, 2012 1 comment

The history of Africa is the story of God’s most cruel joke on mankind.


Blood Diamond Workers

Workers on a diamond field in Africa. These diamonds will go onto the fingers and around the necks of rich white Caucasians. So how exactly did the home of black people become the treasure vault of white people?

Racism affects everyone. However, there is probably no group that knows the sting of racism better than black Africans and their descendants living in the first world diaspora. Why does it seem that black people are targeted by other races? They have been enslaved at least five times in world history (more than any other human phenotype) and have been victims of the longest running human violation in history. Why is this the case? I discuss the answer to this rather tantalizing question in this post. It seems that nature is far more cruel than we know.

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E-mail: accordingtoxen[at]gmail[dot]com

The Anatomy of Racism (Part 1 of 4)

February 26, 2012 Leave a comment

If racism was taught, then who taught the first child to be racist?


Racial Segregation in Durham, NC

We have come a long way since the civil rights uproar in the 1960’s. Up until then, white folks were not afraid of openly and publicly denouncing black people as genetically inferior humans. It’s intriguing to consider then that since the 1960’s, the only thing that has changed is how society perceives racism. It seriously questions the notion that racism is taught. In this post, I will attempt to demonstrate that the propensity for racism is intrinsic to human nature. That is why even after society has successfully demonized this behaviour, it will never truly go away.

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E-mail: accordingtoxen[at]gmail[dot]com

The Poisoning of The Black Diaspora

March 9, 2011 31 comments

While every act of racism is an act of prejudice, not every act of prejudice is necessarily racist.



Black in a White Country

It's challenging being black in a white country.

February was considered black history month. However, I have since noticed a particularly disturbing trend lately and it appears to be more of a remnant of black history that still infects the present attitudes of blacks, particularly those living in many North American and European states. It appears there is still a portion of the black populace that largely hates other races and some of them have been drawn to this space — and probably for all the wrong reasons.

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