
Posts Tagged ‘proof’

Truth Is Relative

July 7, 2008 10 comments

“In the absence of proof, Truth is relative.”


Mormons to the world...


 officially hate Mormons. I don’t hate them as much as I hate extremist Muslims, or charismatic Christians, but Mormons really piss me off. Of all the people who are willing to go door to door to sell their crooked fairy tale belief system for 50 cents a pop  (Jehovah’s Witnesses, I’m talking about you), Mormons are the single most arrogant, self-righteous, delusional, looney bunch of crackerjack sons of pimps I have ever met. Not only do these sock cuckers claim to believe what traditional Christians believe, they think they’ve got the rest of the story nobody else supposedly has. Apparently, some retard named Joseph Smith claims he bore witness to Jesus in America and become prophet of the faith to the new world… some two thousand years later. Now these same father, multiple mothered, half-sibling, inbreds claim that they’re the one true church. Now that means anyone, Christian or otherwise, (even if you’ve accepted Jesus) who doesn’t subscribe to their specific pseudo-christian teachings, is bound to miss out on the luau in Utah… er… heaven (or wherever the fork these scrawny white boys come from). I had the privilege of meeting with two of these retards, and I must say, their level of stupidity (never mind their profound incapacity to reason) is worthy of the Guiness Book of Records. The story goes like this…

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