
Archive for the ‘Life’ Category

The Truth About Happiness (3 of 3)

June 21, 2011 Leave a comment

Happiness is a state of being — not a state of mind.


Have you ever ran into one of those people when you were feeling down who insisted that you could just magically pull yourself up out of your depression and just feel happy? Have you ever looked on with envy at one of those people who always seemed to be in a chipper mood only to have them pass on one of their secrets to happiness to you in a very condescending way? Well you should probably know that most of those people are rather shameless frauds.

Here’s why:

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E-mail: accordingtoxen[at]gmail[dot]com

The Truth About Happiness (2 of 3)

June 19, 2011 Leave a comment

Defining your happiness on the success of romance is not very different from doing so based on the availability of cocaine.


Lovers in Bed

Love, religion and freedom are often regarded as the hallmarks of true happiness. If that were true, then why is it that there are so many people in love who are unhappy? Why are so many religions experiencing such attrition in young people? Why is it that nations that have overthrown their oppressive governments aren’t exactly happy with their hard won freedom?

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E-mail: accordingtoxen[at]gmail[dot]com

The Truth About Happiness (Part 1 of 3)

June 16, 2011 6 comments

Happiness is a conceptual idea, not a perceptible reality.


Are you happy? Do you even know what happiness is? Most people have absolutely no idea what it means to be happy. In fact, there are several fundamental flaws in how we collectively perceive happiness, and that’s why we all tend to be miserable most of the time. While I was researching the topic of suicide, I discovered something utterly profound about happiness.

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E-mail: accordingtoxen[at]gmail[dot]com

It’s My Birthday!

May 3, 2010 3 comments

Today is my birthday. There will be no party, no dinner with the missus, no special event or family gathering to commemorate the event, and yet, I find myself to be very happy and strangely content. I chalk that one up to maturity – particularly one that after 3 decades on this planet, has demonstrated time and again, that happiness is an inside job. I am excited for no good reason.

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The Stupid Gene

November 18, 2009 12 comments

“Stupidity is an unfortunate but necessary by product of cognitive evolution.”


Every once in a while, we hear about someone doing something so profoundly dumb, that it makes us wonder what compelled them to do it in the first place. However, stupidity is not exclusive to people who are notably less intelligent than others. In fact, if you think about it, you’ll see how pervasive it really is.

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