
Posts Tagged ‘sin’

Tough Questions Christians Fear

December 12, 2010 8 comments

One who has tough questions should never ask them of those who fear the answers.


The Ultimate Bible Study - Me vs. The Elders

Taking my elders to task on tough Bible questions.

Have you ever had one of those moments growing up when you were presented with an idea that you immediately accepted, but deep in the recesses of your mind, something didn’t add up? That was my entire childhood really. That’s basically how I grew up with religion. This post is for all the younger folks out there who have questions they are either afraid to ask or were given circular, useless answers. Read on to see what all your church elders were so afraid of.

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E-mail: accordingtoxen[at]gmail[dot]com

Sin Responsibly

October 7, 2007 2 comments

“Religion seems more suited for purposes of comfort rather than practicality.”


Every religious pundit has their own justification for not comitting sin. The justifications will sometimes agree, but most of the times it is a war of who’s more righteous than the other. What amuses me is that most of the times, the idiots fail to realise that sin is as much a part of human nature as sex. You’re not human if you don’t sin and sinning is inextricably inevitable. It’s like they expect people to become super men and women by subscribing to some religious philosophy. No matter how much I believe I can fly, jumping off a cliff will still cause me to paint the rocks below me all different shades of red.

Religious philosophy if anything only makes people more aware of the fact that they’re human. The danger in these systems is that they create so much pressure on people to adhere to these standards, that people tend to forget that we’re all bad guys by default (hence why we needed Jesus in the first place). It is human nature to be evil – that’s why we often describe pleasurable things as being “decadent” and “sinful” – as if pleasure in an of itself is a bad thing. If sin is pleasurable (a = b) and God designed human beings to enjoy pleasure (b = c), then just like how a = c, God designed humans to sin! Isn’t that just… wonderfully liberating?

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