
Posts Tagged ‘Black Hole’

The Enigma of Life (Part 1 of 2) — What is life?

August 13, 2011 Leave a comment

…life is a miracle of astronomical mathematical improbability.


The transitional beauty of life from land to sea as juxtaposed against the epitome of a seashore owes more to a natural phenomena than a mythological inexplicability. — Image Credit: Kert Gartner, 2011

In response to my previous post, someone had asked me in person: “If god was invented by humans to satisfy the need to worship something, then what is the meaning of life?” The very question is based on the premise that one needs a god to give life meaning (or that having a god would make life more meaningful). It’s like saying that tooth fairies make losing a tooth more meaningful or that storks make childbirth more miraculous. We know what the meaning of life is. Just like losing a tooth and the miracle of childbirth, the meaning lies in our biology.

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