
Posts Tagged ‘Angelina Jolie’

The Truth About Happiness (Part 1 of 3)

June 16, 2011 6 comments

Happiness is a conceptual idea, not a perceptible reality.


Are you happy? Do you even know what happiness is? Most people have absolutely no idea what it means to be happy. In fact, there are several fundamental flaws in how we collectively perceive happiness, and that’s why we all tend to be miserable most of the time. While I was researching the topic of suicide, I discovered something utterly profound about happiness.

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E-mail: accordingtoxen[at]gmail[dot]com

The Science of Beauty

February 4, 2009 91 comments

“While beauty may be skin deep, ‘pretty’ is still a very compelling argument.”


Miss World

What is beauty? How do we know when someone is beautiful? Is it really in the eyes of the beholder? Is it specific to individual preference? Is beauty something that is culturally indigenous? Is one race naturally more beautiful than another? Are beautiful people better than the rest of us? Are beautiful people naturally shallow? These are all valid questions that most people tend to make incorrect assumptions about. The answers may surprise you (as they did me). As it turns out, a lot of what is commonly associated with beauty is largely based on bias and a lack of understanding of the factors that make someone beautiful. In this post, I explore all of these in great detail. So whether you’re beautiful or aesthetically challenged, you may find this post of great interest.

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