
Archive for the ‘Life’ Category

Why Life is not fair

July 25, 2009 52 comments

If survival is only for the fittest then all men weren’t created equal.


fish-failSurvival is only for the fittest. No exceptions.

Life is all about survival. Survival is all about competition. There would be no point to there being a competition if we all were made exactly identical to each other. We may all be of the same general design, but where the environment is concerned, some of us are much better implemented than others. That’s why only the fittest will survive while even the fit, will perish.

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Do Black Men Prefer White Women?

June 6, 2009 291 comments

“While everyone is entitled to their preferences, true love has no colour…”


Obsessed (2009) still
In the film Obsessed (2009), a deranged white woman (played by Ali Larter) comes on rather strongly to a powerful black executive (played by Idris Elba). Thereafter, the film becomes a setup for the ultimate cat fight between the white woman and the black man’s wife (played by Beyoncé Knowles). The plot reverses the black man pursues white woman stereotype.

While it is obvious that the film’s ludicrous plot is nothing more than a visualization of the revenge fantasy of every black woman who has ever lost a lover to a white woman, it does beg the question: Do black men prefer white women? Is there any truth to this stereotype? I explore this and other related issues in this thought provoking piece on sex and racial politics.

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E-mail: accordingtoxen[at]gmail[dot]com

The Quest for Second Place

July 15, 2008 26 comments

“Most people actually prefer mediocrity to success as ambition is the enemy of happiness.”


Second Place...I met a rather lovely young lady some time ago. She was great. She was down to earth, simple minded and even had the capacity for good conversation.  In fact, I thought this girl was so perfect, I wondered to myself: Why is she still single? Am I that lucky or is there something wrong with her? Never the less, I applied the woo wantonly and indiscriminately. She’ll be in the bag in two clicks I thought – and then I hit a a glass cieling. I have never lost interest in a woman before because of her simplicity. I enjoy simplicity. I’m already a complicated dude. However, what struck me about this girl was that she was so content with being… mediocre. I don’t mean being average – I mean being less than average. She worked at various odd jobs where she was content with being a sales clerk. She never tried to educate herself beyond high school, even though she’s now pushing 30, she finds every excuse to certify that she’s happy with living from paycheck to paycheck and she doesn’t need more education than what she already has. Needless to say, as I’m not a sugar daddy for hire, my interest in the young woman faded like warm flatulence in the evening breeze. I’ve since met many people like that – people who are comfortable with being extremely simple or average at best. I soon realised that contrary to how I was raised (to aspire to greatness) most people were socialised to prefer mediocrity by self defeating parents (with possibly some genetic help). I then found that I was actually a little naive in my perception of the world in assuming that everyone wanted to be successful. As it turns out, I and very few other people I know, are actually the odd ones out. The situation is actually worse than I thought…

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Epiphanies Volume 3: Civilization

March 30, 2008 15 comments

Civilisation is a social façade designed to control mankind’s innate animalistic propensites.


CivilizationI got a lot of offline commentary on the first two volumes of my abridged epiphanies. To all of those people who insist on giving me feedback in person, I encourage you to do it here. It’ll make things a lot more interesting. Additionally, I want to dedicate this particular entry to those of you responded with commentary that would suggest that I have no faith in humanity. Well congratulations: I don’t. If you take away our cellphones, our 911, our internet, our cars, our televisions, our networks, our skyscrapers, highways, transit sytems and our electricity, we would plunge right back into the brutality of the dark ages (both literally and figuratively). Humanity would be returned to the wild animals that we really are as 6.1 billion people turn on themselves. Lawlessness and anarchy would rule the world. The strong would prey on the weak, and mankind would return to the madness from which it took over 10,000 years to evolve in just 72 hours. We haven’t really changed as a people. We’ve just found better ways to control our animalistic urges through a system of sustained behaviour modification we call “civilisationThe following epiphanies, which as far as I know are all my own, are proof of this harsh reality:

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Epiphanies Volume 2: Epistemology

February 22, 2008 7 comments

“All knowledge is based on the assumption that the product of our senses is real.”


The thinkerWhat is knowledge? How do we define what it is that we’ve come to know? How do we express what we think we believe? What makes it valid? On what grounds do we make the separation between what is faith and what is proof? The theory of knowledge underscores all of these questions. However, the unfortunate reality is that knowledge as most people understand it, is nothing more than a cultural approximation of information determined by individual perceptions. Most of what you know has very little useful purpose outside of the environment where you learned it. It is a tragic waste of brain cells, and in worst case scenarios, a potential waste of human life where that information is interpreted differently. Humanity’s hunger for knowledge both creates and decimates human existence – although I’m led to believe it’s more of the latter than the former. The following epiphanies examine the flimsy basis on which we define knowledge. As far as I know, these are all my own original thoughts:

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