
Archive for the ‘Life’ Category

The Problem with falling in Love

February 14, 2013 Leave a comment

Our parents were incredibly naive about love.


How it typically begins always makes the inevitability of how it ends so much more perplexing and painful. Image ­© Copyright 2012 Tomasz Wagner, Mananetwork Wedding Photography. Used with permission.

There was once a person you would have moved heaven and earth for. He or she was all sorts of amazing.  Your only problem with this person is that all of the wonderful things that you once loved about them have inexplicably evaporated. You want to know something interesting? The factors that caused the evaporation were always there when you first met. It’s just as you got to know them better, they became harder to ignore. It’s like the intensity of the good things you loved about them have swapped places with the bad things. Familiar?

Then we need to talk.

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E-mail: accordingtoxen[at]gmail[dot]com

Categories: Life Tags: , , , ,

Humanity’s Obsession with its Destruction

December 23, 2012 1 comment

Fear is the most compelling form of folly.


What is it about the complete and utter destruction of mankind that causes most of us to react with such a uniform sense of paranoia? Despite overwhelming evidence to the contrary, many people around the world were in full on, weaponized panic over the past week, because they were compelled the world was going to end on December 21, 2012. Well it didn’t happen—as I had predicted in an earlier post about a similar prophecy that failed to materialize. However, our fear of our destruction has captured our imagination for decades. Just look at the video montage above taken from no less than seven different movies. Why?

Well, it has to do with our programming.

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E-mail: accordingtoxen[at]gmail[dot]com

Humanity is still a Primitive Species

June 18, 2012 Leave a comment

For all our technological advancement, we are still little more than apes with tools.


This is what we would look like to an advanced extra-terrestrial civilization.

You may have looked around yourself lately and thought how magnificent it is to be alive during the time that you are, especially with all of our technological advancements. And yet, if there exists a civilization advanced enough to cross the galaxy to meet us, all of this would be worthless. Why? Because we are still quite a primitive species and I’m about to tell you how.

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E-mail: accordingtoxen[at]gmail[dot]com

The Anatomy of Racism (Part 4 of 4)

March 31, 2012 1 comment

While every racist is a fool, not every fool is racist.


The Million Hoodie MarchWe must learn to differentiate between actual acts of racism and otherwise acts of ignorance. They are not the same. Otherwise, cries for justice like this can be successfully undermined by racists as race baiting.

If you back track some 60 years into American history, it would be fair to say that most white folks were at the very least, racially prejudiced, if not outright racist. As the decades rolled by, their ignorance waned as all their collective consciousnesses were raised. As a result, the average white adult today does not think the same way. But because the hurt has penetrated several generations of American minorities, it has created a hypersensitive society that has forgotten what racism really is, spawning an endless generation of boys crying wolf.

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E-mail: accordingtoxen[at]gmail[dot]com

The Point of Pointless Rituals

January 8, 2012 Leave a comment

An idea doesn’t need to make sense to be popular.


New Years Resolutions List

Why do we torture ourselves each new year by making promises to ourselves we won’t keep?

Now that my lengthy vacation is over (and I can continue updating this hallowed space as the fine purveyor of humanity’s oddest propensities), I have a trick question to ask the lot of you: Have you ever wondered why we create so much excitement over days like Thanksgiving,  Christmas, New Years, and a myriad of others? Why do we make new year’s resolutions we’re going to break anyway? It’s only ONE day right? So what exactly is the excitement for? I got asked this a LOT while on vacation. There is a point to all these rituals. Allow me to explain:

E-mail: accordingtoxen[at]gmail[dot]com