
Posts Tagged ‘devil’

The Root of All Evil

October 22, 2010 36 comments

We are only capable of good because we are intrinsically evil.


What is evil? The first thing that comes to the mind of many is the wanton and indiscriminate destruction of life by one of another. But evil is far more systemic than that. In fact, when the Bible asserts that the love of money is the root of all evil, it is being fatuously narrow minded. The love of money is merely a coefficient. The root of all evil is much, much deeper than that.

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The Evil God

May 25, 2009 5 comments

“We are mechanical creatures of little importance in the cosmic scheme of things.”


Wayne Bent aka Michael Travesser, sentenced to 10 years in prison for sexual misconduct in yet another Christian cult.

Wayne Bent aka Michael Travesser, sentenced to 10 years in prison for sexual misconduct in yet another Seventh Day Adventist Christian cult.

The Michael Travesser cult in the New Mexico desert reminded me about the Biblical prophecy that we are in end times, that many will come claiming to be the Christ and that many will be deceived. So I got to the point of thinking: Why would God in all his wisdom, allow his own people to be deceived? I found this thought to be most troubling. In fact, I am now more certain than ever before that the general well being of mankind was never in God’s interest at all.

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